Migrate GitLab Server
· ☕ 3 min read · 🤖 jfdesignnet
Migrating GitLab server to another server

AutoGogobli Manual
· ☕ 1 min read · 🤖 jfdesignnet
Autorun for Gogobli application

G-WeatherStation Guide
· ☕ 9 min read · 🤖 jfdesignnet
Weather station monitor system using RaspberryPi and ESP8266 as sensors

ili9341 SPI TFT screen on buster
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
Intro Just recently bought this cheap ili9341 spi tft lcd from online store and want to test it whether it's working or not. Wiring For a quick and simple check I'm just using the default spi channel 0 from raspberry pi gpio, and here is the connection between them : No ili9341 GPIO Note 1 Vcc Pin1 3v3 2 Gnd Pin6 Gnd 3 CS GPIO8 SPI1 CE0 4 RST GPIO25 Rst 5 DC GPIO24 D/C 6 MOSI GPIO10 SPI0 MOSI 7 SCLK GPIO11 SPI0 SCLK 8 LED GPIO18 Backlight 9 MISO GPIO9 SPI1 MISO Software On this test I'm using rpi 3A+ because … dunno, it's just laying around on my drawer while the others still wired to some my unfinished project (you may use whatever rpi model from zero to rpi 4 as long as have gpio tho).

Temperature sensor for Home Assistant
· ☕ 4 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
Intro The world has changed a little bit in the past couple of weeks/months depending on where you live with a global pandemic currently on-going, meaning more and more of us are currently spending a lot more time indoors that we would either like or are used to thanks to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation. Now that many of us have much more free time on our hands than we perhaps normally do, we thought it was the perfect time to get round to some of those projects that have been on back burner for a while!

Northern Lights
· ☕ 1 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
frozen northern wilderness without a sign of light …

Real time clock module
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
Real Time Clock A real-time clock (RTC) is an integrated hardware circuit that keeps track of the current time. This RTCs module have an alternate source of power, so they can continue to keep time while the primary source of power is off or unavailable. This is an important feature for the server applications which under some circumstances cannot always had a network connection to access the NTP (Network Time Server) from the internet.

· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
Intro I name this iot device as Laundrowallet and it's a portable iot device to check the current wallet balance from an RFID card tag for LaundromatPlus laundry system. Would be useful in cashier desk at site for quick checking user saldo balance rfid card. It's build from Wemos D1 mini with esp12F chipset and an ssd1306 OLED display for the status display and RC522 RFID card reader as an input.

CarPi OBD Alpine
· ☕ 1 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
CarPi OBD Alpine W520 A speedrun test of my Raspberry Pi system with serial OBD interface on Alpine W520 Headunit sequenceDiagram participant RaspberryPi participant HiFiBerryDAC RaspberryPi->HiFiBerryDAC: I2S serial bus loop OBD II interface ECU->ECU: OBD get ECU data ECU->ECU: Error Status Code end Note right of ECU: Serial interface ... ECU-->RaspberryPi: rpm, speed, throtle, temp, etc HiFiBerryDAC->AlpineW520: Audio Signal RaspberryPi->AlpineW520: Video Signal AlpineW520->PowerAmp: Audio Out

CarPi Alpine
· ☕ 1 min read · ✍️ jfdesignnet
CarPi Alpine CDA9887 Using RaspberryPi with external DAC on my daily vehicle with Alpine CDA9887 and rear view mirror external display. The CDA9887 already RaspberryPi->HiFiBerryDAC: I2S serial bus RaspberryPi->Display: Video HiFiBerryDAC->Alpine CDA9887: Audio Note right of Alpine CDA9887: Sound Processor Alpine CDA9887->Orion Hi: tweeter Alpine CDA9887->Precission: midrange Alpine CDA9887->Orion Lo: subwoofer The CDA9887 had an integrated internal sound processor and the pre-out was fed to 4ch Orion 420GT and Precission PPI-2075 that drives 2 way Dynaudio X250 MkII and 10 inch JLAudio subwoofer.